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This blog discusses eLearning issues and trends within the context of teaching, learning and working online.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Dangers of Online Resumes

No profession is immune from economic forces. In our current economy of layoffs and downsizing, many people are looking for work. With the Internet, a common way to search and apply for jobs, includes posting resumes online. This may be especially true in today’s economy where many people need to find work quickly. There are a number of advantages in posting resumes online. Some advantages include:

- Reaching hundreds of potential employers
- You can do it quickly
- Little to no cost

There are some downsides however. As the economy worsens it seems that scams are on the increase. While there are a number of reputable online employment sites such as Monster.com and USAJobs.gov, job candidates should use caution.

Here are some of disadvantages to posting your resume. They include:

- “Phising” scams
- Personal identity theft schemes
- Recruiting firms harvesting resumes for their own uses
- Your boss may see it

If you post your resume online DO NOT post:

- your real full name
- your address
- your phone number
- your Social Security number

It may sound basic, but believe or not, some people actually include this personal information in their online resumes. Here is a video from CNN on the perils of posting resumes online. Click HERE to view the video.

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